Saturday, June 20, 2015 at 9:24PM
Daniel Way


March 2, 2015 


Matthew Brady 



I have just completed an article about Matthew Brady, the legendary Civil-War-era photographer, for Adirondack Life magazine. It should be printed in the April-May 2015 edition. Many people don't realize that Brady, one of the most famous and important photographers in American history, was born in the Adirondacks. Only recently was his birthplace discovered by Glenn Pearsall, which he chronicles in his 2008 book Echoes in These Mountains. You can learn more about his discovery at the following website:






As a tribute to Brady, in 2012 the Johnsburg Historical Society erected a plaque near his birthplace along route 28 just above the Glen Creek bridge in the town of Warrensburg, which I would drive past on my commute to the North Creek and Indian Lake Health Centers. After only a few months however, some very evil person stole the plaque, which cost the Johnsburg Historical Society over $1100 to make. I am hoping that someone will read the article who may be able to help recover the marker or at least shed some light on its fate.



If anyone has any useful information, please contact Delbert Chambers, the President of the WCHS at 518-743-0734 or email him at

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