See my paddling pictures in Phil Brown's new paddling book!
Wednesday, May 22, 2019 at 8:50PM
Daniel Way

I was honored to receive a signed copy of Phil Brown's new (second) edition of his wonderful book Adirondack Paddling; 65 Great Flatwater Adventures today. I am especially thrilled to see eight of my own paddling photographs in the book. Phil had asked me if I could provide images of Lower Preston Pond, Cheney Pond, the canoe launch on the Hudson at Athol, the Cedar River Flow, Blue Mountain Lake from Castle Rock, the Marion River, the South Inlet of Raquette Lake, and Shingle Shanty Brook. His original book was the best paddling guide I had ever seen, and now it is even better. If you enjoy flat water paddling in the Adirondacks, you must have this book!

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