Bill McKibben gave an inspiring and highly motivating talk about the latest assessment of Climate Change as part of his most recent book tour. He is promoting his newest book, "Falter", which describes the rapidly progressing imact of climate change on our planet, and what we will need to do about it. He is rapidly becoming the nation's avatar for climate change action. I recommend that if you care about what happens to our childrens' and grandchildrens' planet, you reaad his book and join the fight against those who continue to profit from the fossil fuel industry and pretend that climate change is just a hoax. He hs founded the environmental organization, which has worldwide grass-roots branches that are fighting climate change from the Maldive Islands to Washington DC. Please check out the website ASAP!
Tracy Ormsbee of the Adirondack Explorer introducing Bill McKibben as Stephanie Ratcliffe, director of The Wild Center, looks on.
Tracy Ormsbee interviewing Mr. McKibben
Bill McKibben's passionate plea for supportive action.