
Status of the Indian Lake Association's quest for hydropower for the Indian Lake and Abanakee Lake dams

Yesterday's Indian Lake Association (ILA) summer meeting was a great success, thanks to the planning of ILA President Glenn VanNorstrand, whose idea it was to have the meeting in the morning with a catered breakfast, before members are lured into their boats and onto the lake for the day. We even hosted several members of the Lake Abanakee Residents Association, who were impressed with the meeting. Helen "Cookie" Glass, our newest board member, handled the census taking and guest admissions.

Thanks also to to John Callaghan, Chairman of the Hudson River Black River Regulating District (HRBRRD) for his excellent talk to the attendees! He was kind enough to address the 87 members of the Indian Lake Association and guest members of the Lake Abanakee Homeowners Association who attended the annual ILA summer picnic meeting. He eloquently and clearly described the nature of the upcoming repair and maintenance work on our dam which is scheduled to begin this fall, which will resume through the fall of 2024. He patiently answered every question and left the audience reassured that the job will be done with minimal impact on lake water levels. When completed, the dam will be much sturdier, easier to operate, and no longer leaky, and it will sport a kayak take-out/put-in path for paddlers looking to run the headwaters of the Indian River in the future.


John Callaghan addressing the crowd

In answering questions from the audience, he assured them that, although the RD is not looking to have a hydroelectric powerplant inserted in the soon-to-be-restored dam, the dam could definitely be adapted for that purpose in the future.


 The 87 attendees of the 2023 ILA breakfast meeting in Byron Park, Indian Lake

I am too stubborn to give up on the idea of bringing hydroelectric power to the Town of Indian Lake! Some people are starting to call me Dan Quixote, but I am not chasing windmills- I am chasing a hydroelectric generator!!

Stay tuned....



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